Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bayfront Sunday - October 24

The second trial of Bayfront Sundays will be held October 24. Bayfront Parkway between Chase and Tarragona will be open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic from 8 am to 5 pm. This is a great opportunity to enjoy our beautiful waterfront and downtown while enjoying exercise, being with your family, and meeting others from our city. While you are downtown, do consider patronizing the downtown businesses--road closures typically negatively impact their business, but I am hopeful that an event like this will provide a boost to their typical Sunday crowd rather than an hinderance.

This trial had originally been scheduled for June, but the summer heat had already settled in, so we postponed until the cooler weather. This pleasant October weather is a wonderful opportunity for us to get outside and be reminded of why we endure the summer heat--so we can enjoy such a beautiful fall.

Attendance at this trial will determine whether the city ought to continue with a program like this, so if you'd like to see it continue, plan on coming down and help spread the word.

We have a facebook page about the event--check it out and share your plans for the day. Additional information about the event is in previous blog posts from last spring and the spring before.