Please look over the list of boards, and let me know if there are any that appeal to you. Also, please let me know a little bit about you (perhaps a resume) so that I will be able to share it with council when making a nomination. You do not necessarily need a particular expertise to be on some of the boards, but a word or two about your interest in that board would be welcome. Rest assured that I won't nominate you without double-checking with you when a vacancy arises--I understand how life changes and something that might seem like a good idea at the time might not work well later.
- Affordable Housing Advisory Committee -joint appointment with county
- Architectural Review Board- specific residency requirements
- Area Housing Commission
- Board of Trustees Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund - city residency requirement
- Board of Trustees Police Officer's Retirement Fund - city residency requirement
- Civil Service Board - city residency requirement
- Code Enforcement Board - city residency requirement, employment preferences
- Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeal - professional requirement
- Downtown Improvement Board - appointed by Mayor, property owners downtown
- Enterprise Zone Advisory Board - some professional requirements
- Environmental Advisory Board - some professional requirements
- Fire Education Incentive Board
- Fire Prevention Board of Appeals - professional expertise requirements
- Gateway Review Board - some professional and property holding requirements
- General Pension Board - city resident
- Human Relations Commission
- Human Services Appropriations Committee
- International Relations Advisory Board - mayoral appointment
- Parks and Recreation Board
- Planning Board - city residency requirement
- West Florida Public Library - city residency requirement
- Zoning Board of Adjustment - city residency requirement